Academy Certification Psychic & Mediumship Development Course
Join the 28-Day Psychic & Mediumship Certification Course with Kumara Academy!
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey to discover and enhance your psychic and mediumship abilities? Join us for this exciting online certification course offered through live classes and a private forum for ongoing practice and connection with class members and the instructor.
Course Schedule:
4 Sundays: Jan 5, Jan 12, Jan 19, and Jan 26, 2025
Time: 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm PDT each Sunday
Course Highlights:
Explore different levels of psychic and mediumship abilities, from awakening/understanding to intermediate to advanced.
Receive tools, exercises, and real-time class instruction.
Practice with class members and the instructor during the live classes and in between classes via a private forum.
Connect with your own unique psychic abilities and spirit guides.
Foster connections with other spirit beings such as animal guides, angels, and those in the spirit realm.
Opportunity to join an ongoing practice circle after completing the course.
This course will be recorded for those that aren't able to attend the live classes.
Receive a Kumara Academy Accredited Certificate of Completion.
Practitioner Certificate available for Practitioners.
The Kumara Academy is accredited with the International Metaphysical Practitioners Association (IMPA).
Only $144 for the entire course. Register at Eventbrite.
Join the email list for discount coupons on courses & classes.
Email sharonskumara@gmail.com with EMAIL LIST - PSYCHIC COURSE in the subject to receive a discount coupon code. Your email is your permission to be added to my email list.
Refund Policy:
No refunds unless the course is canceled by the facilitator.
Viewing Later:
All courses are recorded with purchase for later viewing.
Recent Reviews:
What some past attendees are saying about this course:
"I thoroughly enjoyed this course as it was presented"
"This course was fun. I enjoyed the connection with others in this class , It has built confidence in my own abilities"
"I recomend this course to everyone, because we all connected to the other world, the source, our guides and Angels. It's very natural.Thank you."
"It was amazing, thanks for everything, I really enjoyed it and even someone who wasn't particularly invested in psychic abilities/mediumship could follow along nicely. You were very enthusiastic and a joy to listen to as well as being very helpful and encouraging."
About Your Facilitator:
Sharon Sananda Kumara is an Author, Psychic-Medium, Hypnotherapist specializing in Past Life Therapy, Channel, Speaker, Teacher/Student, Psycho-pomp (Spirit Rescue), and Paranormal Photographer & Investigator. She is the Founder of The Kumara Academy of Transformation. Sharon consciously channels and works closely with Angels, Guides, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Galactic Beings since her 2nd NDE (Near Death Experience) in 2001. Guided by this experience, she utilizes her gifts to help others heal and realize their true Self.
Hope to see you there!
For more information about your facilitator and other course info, visit: